SDGs Stories

參與探討離岸風電對我國海岸生態的衝擊 2020

International Federation of Catholic Universities (FIUC)

In order to utilize the natural wind power in Taiwan Strait, windfarm projects have been proposed to the government and obtained the greenlight by the department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency. However, NGOs focused on the construction and operation of wind turbines may damage the marine mammals and bird species along the coastline. A conference held by EPA in October 2019 invited numerous experts from Europe and Taiwan to discuss the possible impact and minimization procedures for the off-shore windfarms.

* 本校與政府和非政府單位的對話
* 與台灣永續能源研究基金會簽署合作意向書
* 本校參與協助勞動部制定1-溴丙烷(1-bromopropane)之勞工作業環境容許暴露標準。
* 參與探討離岸風電對我國海岸生態的衝擊
* 邀請勞動部委員會委員讓校內師生了解政府與工會之間的互動方式
* 邀請永續議題專家讓校內師生與接軌聯合國永續發展的議題接軌聯合國永續發展的議題。