SDGs Stories

FJCU Support for underrepresented groups 2023

  1. The Fu Jen Catholic University Indigenous Students Resource Center assists economically disadvantaged indigenous students, combining the efforts of the University and the community (through donations) to provide timely support to any students of indigenous status who have suffered a sudden and serious incident in order to alleviate their financial burdens; the Center also aims to strengthen its academic and mental health counseling so that the students can complete their studies successfully. To this end, housing subsidies, emergency funds and living expenses grants are provided for economically disadvantaged indigenous students. Additionally, through international service and cultural exchange programs, the Center also promotes contact between indigenous peoples from different countries, improves indigenous students’ foreign language skills (English), and enhances their self-confidence and motivation to learn. Finally, a team of indigenous students has been established to organize indigenous community service camps and home visits during the winter holidays.

  2. The University’s Resource Room has five counselors that provide counseling activities for special education students aimed at improving school adjustment as well as interpersonal and social engagement.

  3. 2019 counseling activities
    The 2019 Annual Career Counseling Series for special education students consisted of 10 sessions with a total of 195 attendees.
    Resource Room opening meeting: Two sessions were held with the Dean of Student Affairs for 47 students, allowing the special education students to discuss any issues directly with the Dean.
    Special education movie appreciation and promotion activities:
    Two sessions were held for 99 students. Through pre-viewing and post-viewing discussions led by professional instructors, students were given a proper understanding of various diseases so as to change negative attitudes toward the affected and to work towards eliminating inequalities for those with physical or mental disabilities.
    Resource Room Outdoor Crafts Experience:
    This activity allowed students to create various handicrafts and work with each other to stimulate their own potential and cultivate interpersonal interaction. This activity was attended by 32 students.
    Four activities were organized for special education students to help them adapt to the school and improve their interpersonal relations and social participation. Through board games, outdoor exercises and handicraft activities, students helped each other and explored their potential and creativity. 117 students participated in these activities.
    In 2019, a total of 25 inclusive activities were organized, with 743 participants.