In accordance with the apostolic constitution Ex corde Ecclesiae, FJCU has ensured that all people—regardless of their race, religion, physical ability, or gender—shall have equal opportunities and rights to participate in activities at the university.
As a Catholic University, on March 21, 2019, Fu Jen Catholic University set forth the “Norms for the Application of the Apostolic Constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae at Fu Jen Catholic University” in accordance with the “Norms for the Application of the Apostolic Constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae in R.O.C. (Taiwan)” approved by the Congregation for Catholic Education of the Holy See on July 9, 2016, the purpose of which is to review the implementation of the latter at FJCU.
According to the apostolic constitution Ex corde Ecclesiae, regulations concerning the identity and the mission of a Catholic university are as follows:
1. Every Catholic university has the responsibility to make tangible contributions to the advancement of the society to which it belongs. For example, it should try to enable anyone who can benefit from a university education to receive one, especially those who are relatively poor or those in minority groups who are more easily deprived of the right to an education. A Catholic university also has the responsibility, to the degree that it is able, to aid in the development of emerging nations.
2. Through continuing education, consultation services offered by academics, and the use of contemporary mass media and other channels, a Catholic University can assist the wider public in continuously gaining new knowledge and deepening their understanding of faith, thus expanding its academic services beyond its own academic community.
Therefore, as a Catholic University, Fu Jen Catholic University is committed to ensuring that all people have the same right to receive an education, gain new knowledge, and deepen their understanding of faith.