FJCU is a Catholic comprehensive university that aims to realize 7 major goals, one of which is “serving the public”. Our vision is to improve interpersonal relationships, build connections with the local community, fulfill social responsibilities, and provide a profusion of learning resources for non-affiliated users:
(1) Computers: In the Information and Research Application Center of the College of Education , users not affiliated with FJCU can have free access to computers, software, and information databases.
(2) Libraries: Alumni, retired staff or faculty, and other personnel serving at FJCU can apply for an FJCU Library Card to access all library resources. Users not affiliated with FJCU or students in pre-sessional credit programs may access library resources after applying for a visitor’s pass with their personal ID.
(3) Regular courses: Excluding courses with prerequisites such as thesis writing, practicum courses and internships, or those require professional skills, people not affiliated with FJCU may attend any class via pre-sessional credit programs. Students who complete their studies will receive a credit certificate. Some teachers also allow personnel not affiliated with FJCU to audit their courses for free and to apply for access to TronClass, FJCU’s learning platform.
(4) Online courses: During the academic years 2017-2019, FJCU has offered a total of 100 distance learning courses, 96 of which are open to students from other schools, and 46 of which are open to all. In addition, FJCU has offered high-quality Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) since the academic year of 2014, and some continued to be held as self-learning courses after the project ended. A total of 16 online courses are provided for free for personnel not affiliated with FJCU.
(5) Lectures: Personnel not affiliated with FJCU may attend some of the lecture courses offered by the colleges, the Faculty Development and Instructional Resources Center, the Resource Center of Foreign Language Teaching and Digital Learning, and the Creative Design Center at FJCU.
(6) On-campus sport facilities on are open to the general public.