SDGs Stories

FJCU has always encouraged its faculty to apply for the Teaching Practice Research Program. 2019

In planning training programs for the academic staff, FJCU focuses on developing the teachers abilities in designing programming courses and information visualization. Therefore, FJCU has organized workshops, such as the App Inventor 2 Workshop for Teachers and Power BI Statistics Workshop, as well as talks on different topics, such as information visualization and the application of statistic science. Furthermore, the university provides diverse courses to encourage the use of innovative approaches in the classroom, such as workshops on Sharestart; sharing sessions on the application of ZOOM, the video chat software; and game-based learning. Every year, FJCU also invites teachers who received teaching awards to talk about their teaching experiences, allowing FJCU teachers to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in education.

  • During the academic years of 2015 and 2016, FJCU was promoting the flipped classroom approach, focusing on using interactive tools in the classroom.
  • The online platform TronClass creates more interactions between the teachers and the students.
  • During the academic years of 2017 and 2018, in compliance with the Ministry of Educations computational thinking project, the university held workshops on programming in the hope of having teachers incorporate programming into their courses.