SDGs Stories

FJCU respects the voice of university labor unions 2020

International Federation of Catholic Universities (FIUC)

FJCU recognizes and guarantees unions and labor rights for its entire staff (including female and expatriate staff):
1. For FJCU teachers: In accordance with the Teachers' Act, FJCU has established the Teachers' Organization, and all FJCU teachers are eligible to join.
2. For FJCU employees: In accordance with the Labor Standards Act, FJCU has established the Labor-Management Committee, and organizes meetings on a routine basis to discuss related topics. FJCU organizes a meeting for its entire staff every six months to facilitate a direct means of communication between the university and its staff.

FJCU values communication with its stakeholders. According to FJCU articles, all committees that determine significant rights of FJCU teachers and employees, such as the committees for the University Assembly and Faculty Evaluation, have members who are teachers or employees.