SDGs Stories

Academic Exchange and Collaboration between FJCU Medical Alliance and Foreign Medical Schools 2019

On April 23, 2019, the FJCU Medical Alliance was founded, which provides graduates of FJCUs School of Medicine with multiple options to complete their post-graduate year training and medical residency as well as to find positions as attending physicians. The alliance also provides a platform for several medical institutions to work with teachers from the College of Medicine (COM) on projects that advance research in health and well-being. In order to broaden the horizons of both students and teachers at COM, FJCU actively pursues opportunities to conduct academic exchanges and sign collaboration agreements with foreign medical schools so as to give students more short-term and long-term learning opportunities overseas and spur advancements in the field of health and well-being.

  • FJCU Medical Alliance is comprised of 15 hospitals
  • Conducts academic exchanges with institutions around the world