SDGs Stories

New Frontiers for University Leaders: The Future of Health and the University Ecosystem

Quality Education

“Education reduced to mere technical instruction, or mere passing on of information, becomes an alienated and fragmented education. To believe that we can transmit knowledge without concern for its ethical dimension is essentially to abandon the task of teaching. Three kinds of language are needed, and all three languages need to come into play: the language of the mind, the language of the heart and the language of the hands. We need to think in harmony with what we feel and what we do, to feel in harmony with what we think and do, and to act in harmony with what we feel and think. An overall harmony, never divorced from the whole.” Many undergraduates today are swept away by the pull of a consumerist lifestyle and/or an addiction to video games. In this regard, FJCU undergraduates are the exception to the rule; the university recruit students to be remote teaching partners at the start of each academic year, and generations of FJCU students have participated actively. FJCU has been a partner to the Education Ministry’s ‘e-tutor program’ for more than ten years, and nearly 15,000 teachers and students have applied to be ‘study buddies’, teaching via the Internet and helping more than 10,000 pupils from remote areas, or those living in areas hit by natural disasters like Typhoon Morakot, and new immigrant children as well. Every Tuesday and Thursday, for one and a half hours, these ‘study buddies’ would use the computer lab situated at FJCU’s Divine Word Academic High Rise building to connect with their young charges all over Taiwan, helping them in subjects like Chinese, English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and so on. This is reflective of the kindness of FJCUians – a longtime supporter of education in the rural areas, offering one-on-one remote teaching, and utilizing technology to be ‘instant and interactive study buddies’, bridging the gap with their pupils living in rural areas and providing a helping hand in their growth.

FJCU’s service learning education, caring for the disadvantaged: past, present, and future

FJCU’s service learning education, caring for the disadvantaged: past, present, and future. Combining the efforts of one and all to improve the state of education for the rural areas, to change the lives of children, of families, and in turn, the society and the nation. This is the spirit of an FJCUian; supportive yet unassuming.