SDGs Stories

輔大發揮在醫療健康與社會人文領域優勢,跨國協力共議永續實踐方案 2024

International Federation of Catholic Universities (FIUC) International Federation of Catholic Universities (FIUC) International Federation of Catholic Universities (FIUC)


  • 緣起:
    本校透過復校三單位-耶穌會、聖言會、中國聖職會與國際天主教教會網絡串聯,並發揮本校在醫療健康以及社會人文領域的優勢,透過各項獎勵機制資助研究,讓本校的研究致力於實現聯合國永續發展目標 (SDGs),以及如何最小化權衡和創造最大化的協同效應。


Association between body mass index and oesophageal cancer mortality: a pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies with >800 000 individuals in the Asia Cohort Consortium

  • 發表教師:
    醫學系 游山林助理教授兼數據科學中心主任
  • 摘要:
    Background The association between body mass index (BMI) and oesophageal cancer (OC) has been consistently negative among Asians, whereas different associations based on histological OC subtypes have been observed in Europeans and North Americans. We examined the association between BMI and OC mortality in the Asia Cohort Consortium. Methods We performed a pooled analysis to evaluate the association between BMI and OC mortality among 842 630 Asians from 18 cohort studies. Cox regression models were used to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs. Results A wide J-shaped association between BMI and overall OC mortality was observed. The OC mortality risk was increased for underweight (BMI <18.5 kg/m(2): HR = 2.20, 95% CI 1.80-2.70) and extreme obesity (BMI >= 35 kg/m(2): HR = 4.38, 95% CI 2.25-8.52) relative to the reference BMI (23-25 kg/m(2)). This association pattern was confirmed by several alternative analyses based on OC incidence and meta-analysis. A similar wide J-shaped association was observed in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Smoking and alcohol synergistically increased the OC mortality risk in underweight participants (HR = 6.96, 95% CI 4.54-10.67) relative to that in reference BMI participants not exposed to smoking and alcohol. Conclusion Extreme obesity and being underweight were associated with an OC mortality risk among Asians. OC mortality and BMI formed a wide J-shaped association mirrored by OSCC mortality. Although the effect of BMI on OSCC and oesophageal adenocarcinoma mortality can be different in Asians, further research based on a large case-control study is recommended.
  • 本研究公開資料請參照:
    Web of Science

Network Analysis-Based Disentanglement of the Symptom Heterogeneity in Asian Patients with Schizophrenia: Findings from the Research on Asian Psychotropic Prescription Patterns for Antipsychotics

  • 發表教師:
    老人長期照護學程 楊淑瑜 助理教授
  • 摘要:
    The symptom heterogeneity of schizophrenia is consistent with Wittgenstein's analogy of a language game. From the perspective of precision medicine, this study aimed to estimate the symptom presentation and identify the psychonectome in Asian patients, using data obtained from the Research on Asian Psychotropic Prescription Patterns for Antipsychotics. We constructed a network structure of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) items in 1438 Asian patients with schizophrenia. Furthermore, all the BPRS items were considered to be an ordered categorical variable ranging in value from 1-7. Motor retardation was situated most centrally within the BPRS network structure, followed by depressive mood and unusual thought content. Contrastingly, hallucinatory behavior was situated least centrally within the network structure. Using a community detection algorithm, the BPRS items were organized into positive, negative, and general symptom clusters. Overall, DSM symptoms were not more central than non-DSM symptoms within the symptom network of Asian patients with schizophrenia. Thus, motor retardation, which results from the unmet needs associated with current antipsychotic medications for schizophrenia, may be a tailored treatment target for Asian patients with schizophrenia. Based on these findings, targeting non-dopamine systems (glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid) may represent an effective strategy with respect to precision medicine for psychosis.
  • 本研究公開資料請參照:
    Web of Science

  • 其他永續研究
    • 緣起:2018年,輔大聖言會單位訪問布國Dedougou教區興建中的醫院,曾提到如何協助當地醫護人員來輔大醫學院及附設醫院進行短期參訪與研習進修,但因疫情而停滯。直到2021年暑假,聖言志工與布國青年和迦納聖言會修士們進行線上服務學習。之後在外籍生古愛瑪同學及輔大國教處協助下,聯繫布國首都Ouagadougou的姊妹校St. Thomas 大學和位於布國第二大城Bobodilassu的Nazi Boni大學的院長、師長以及百位醫學院學生,並於2022年7月前往參訪,實際了解布國對學術文化交流的興趣與期待。
      本次研討會參加論文發表的學生來自本校醫學院醫學系、護理系、職能治療系、公共衛生學系、理工學院醫資學程、民生學院營養系,以及布國St. Thomas大學、Nazi Boni大學、Ouagadougou大學醫學系,和SARA foundation的實習醫生,共約一百多人,進行輔大與非洲醫療文化對談。
    • 時間:111年11月19日星期六
    • 相關資料請參考:相關連結

    療遇之境-宗教地景、療癒與社會國際學術研討會-Encountering Terrain of Healing : Religious landscape, healing and society
    • 時間: 2022年11月11日(五)~2022年11月12日(六)
    • 主辦單位: 天主教輔仁大學宗教學系
    • 合辦單位: 波蘭亞捷隆大學哲學學院宗教學系Institute of Religious Studies, Jagiellonian University, Poland
    • 相關資料請參考:相關連結